Summer is the good time to treat Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS)

If you live in Brampton or Mississauga area and like to treat your Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) with acupuncture, summer is the good time of year to do the treatment.

Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a form of fibromyalgia where pain and stiffness occurs in muscles, tendons, and ligaments throughout the body, accompanied by other generalized symptoms such as fatigue, sleep disruption or unrefreshing sleep, mood disorder, and cognitive difficulties such as poor memory or mental “fogginess.”

In Chinese medicine there is a term call “冬病夏治” which means to treat winter disease in summer. The reason is summer we have the most Yang factor and it gives the most boost to treat those cold, deficiency problems. For Fibromyalgia syndrome most patient find winter or cold make their condition worse, and it is suitable to treat in summer than winter. I have been visiting Fibromyalgia syndrome patients in winter and some of them their home temperature is pretty low and frankly their treating results are not optimum. For those cold related illness we should take good use of season factor and same is true for Fibromyalgia syndrome.

For modern medicine The cause of fibromyalgia is not yet known. In Chinese Medicine, fibromyalgia is system-wide imbalance. For Chinese medicine we even don’t care too much about those modern medicine diagnosis and terms, we find the root for the problem, balance Yin and Yang, clear meridians stagnation, harmonize internal organs. Fibromyalgia syndrome should see good results but compare to other acute pain it may need more time to recover.


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impotence , ED


Impotence, or ED (Erectile Dysfunction) is a silent symptom men don’t want to discuss. Impotence, or called ED (erectile dysfunction), by Definition is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection long enough to engage in sexual intercourse. It includes inability to obtain an adequate erection for satisfactory sexual activity, also include the curvature of the penis during erection, prolonged painful erection and premature ejaculation. The inability of performing sexually can interfere with a man’s self esteem and confidence leading to frustration, dissatisfaction and resentment. Impotence is considered to be one of the most common male sexual disorders. Many people are suffering from ED(it is estimated that up to 20 million American men frequently suffer from impotence and that it strikes up to half of all men between the ages of 40 and 70). If you do have ED, remember that you’re not alone. There’s no need to feel embarrassed and there are many treatments available, and up to 95% of ED cases can be treated. Let’s take a look at the causes for impotence so we can fight with it.

There are four main causes for impotence, which are Physical, Psychological, Lifestyle and Medications.

Physical causes for impotence:
Impotence is often the symptom of an underlying medical condition. The major physical causes are:
· Heart disease
· Diabetes
· High blood pressure (hypertension)
· High cholesterol and poor blood circulation due to blocked arteries
· Surgery to the prostate, lower bowel or lower spine
· Liver and kidney disease
· Hormone and thyroid disorders
· Peyronie’s Disease
· Parkinson’s disease
· Injuries, particularly as a result of bicycle riding, horseback riding or gymnastics
Psychological Causes for Impotence:
Psychological factors can include:
· Depression and anxiety disorders
· Mental fatigue
· Post traumatic stress disorder
· Relationship problems
· Psychological abuse or trauma
· Problems with sexual identity

Lifestyle Impotence Causes
Lifestyle factors can also play a major role in ED. Making positive changes to your lifestyle will not only improve your overall health, but can help you overcome problems with impotence. Lifestyle factors include:
· Smoking
· Excessive alcohol consumption
· Extreme obesity
· Illicit drug abuse. In particular heroin, marijuana, cocaine and anabolic steroids
· Lack of exercise and a sedentary lifestyle

Medications Can Also Contribute to ED
The following drugs can contribute to the problem:
· Blood pressure drugs
· Appetite suppressants
· Antidepressants, anti-psychotics and tranquilizers
· Antihistamines
· Beta blockers used for controlling angina and high blood pressure

How to prevent impotence

As we now know the possible causes for impotence, then we can do the following to prevent it from happening:

· Diet
Following the basic guidelines of eating a diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and fiber and low in saturated fats is a good way to not only benefit impotence but to your general health.

· Healthy Lifestyle
Bring healthy lifestyle to your routine can make big changes to your overall health conditions. Stop smoking, stop heavy drinking, be aware of side effects before taking any drugs, have adequate sleep, have daily 30 minutes exercise can help prevent impotence problems as well as many other health issues, also can make you feel happier. Surveys have shown that men who exercise regularly are less likely to suffer from stress and anxiety, as well as a range of other ailments. Exercise is also said to improve testosterone production, which improves sexual functioning. One thing interesting is that staying sexually active also helps maintain good blood flow to the penis, which in turn helps overcome the issue.

·Be happy, relax and get rid of stress

How to treat impotence

There are many treatments available for impotence:

Relationship/Sex counselling
Studies have shown that for men with stress-related ED, having the partner involved in the therapy resolves the problem 50%-70% of the time. When the man must go through counselling alone, the results are somewhat lower.

Viagra, Cialis (tadalafil), and Levitra (vardenafil) they are all famous for fighting erectile dysfunctions.

injecting medication directly into the base or the side of the penis with a tiny needle or inserting a suppository into the urethra.

the suppository is inserted into the urethra and when it is absorbed, it loses some of its strength, so it is not considered as effective as the shots.

pumping air out of the tube pulls blood into the erectile tissue.

Constriction rings
“Cock rings” worn around the base of the penis can slow down the speed at which blood leaves the penis. It can be used with a vacuum pump.

Just like implants in other parts of the body, there are Inflatable implants and Malleable implants for this.

Vascular surgery is rarely performed and not too many surgeons can do it.

Natural Remedies which include acupuncture, herbs and special exercises.
When you think of erectile dysfunction, acupuncture is usually not the first thing that comes to mind. Many assume it would be a painful alternative to traditional treatments. Quite the contrary, acupuncture is not used locally to treat this particular disorder. Because the energy pathways run all along your entire body, acupuncture points on the extremities, abdomen and back are used to successfully relieve this problem.

According to Chinese Medical theory there are two main causes to this disorder. The disorders are determined by the other signs and symptoms that are presented in addition to erectile dysfunction.

Decline of Mingmen Fire:
Symptoms include:
· failure of the penis to erect
· weak erection
· cold extremities
· dizziness
· listlessness
· soreness and weakness of the lower back and knees
· frequent urination
Downward Flowing of Damp Heat:
Symptoms include:
· Inability of the penis to erect
· bitter taste in the mouth
· thirst
· hot and dark red urine
Based on the Acupuncturist’s diagnosis of the cause, a selection of Acupuncture points will be used, 肾俞(shenshu), 命门(mingmen), 关元(Guan Yuan), 三阴交(Sanyinjiao) are some of the main points to effectively treating this.

Some of the most popular herbs available on the market today are Tribulus, yohimbe, ginkgo biloba, and others. Tribulus had been used as traditional medicine to treat sexual dysfunction and male infertility in Europe and Asia for many decades before improvement in scientific extraction techniques allowed identification of its active ingredient, protodioscin. More and more clinical research studies have found that herbs can help impotent men. In all, these studies proved that Tribulus works very well in curing sexual dysfunctions and maximizing sexual performance when taken regularly. It does not work immediately. as Tribulus shows positive effects only after two to three months. No known side effects are linked with this herb. And one thing need to mention is that the way Chinese doctors using herbs is not the same way like using chemical pills—meaning they are not rely on which herbs to treat certain illness. The way they use herbs is that after the practitioner makes a diagnosis based on Chinese medical theory and find the cause, they use a well formed combination of herbs to treating the source problem, the herbs they used may not necessary come with the above mentioned herbs.

Both acupuncture and herbal therapy take a holistic approach accounting for mental, physical and environmental aspects. Traditional Chinese medical treatments can be very effective if treatment is pursued early and can provide a safe natural alternative to helping men with this disorder.

special exercises.
If the cause of impotence is because of the Kidney Yang and Qi factor, those special exercises can help. Sorry the video is in Chinese so you may need to get some one to translate it for you.

Drugs Versus Natural Remedies
Choosing the right treatment for erectile dysfunction often depends on what works best for the individual. For many, it is the side effects of prescription drugs for ED that causes them to choose natural remedies. Others prefer medications because they have found natural treatments unsuccessful or because they like the ease of simply taking a pill. However, it is important to address the underlying health issues that may be associated with ED before using either type of treatment. For example, those who have ED due to being overweight should try to lose weight either before or while using medications or natural remedies. Talk to you doctor about which treatments and remedies will be most effective for you.

How to reduce high blood pressure

How to reduce high blood pressure? Actually there are many ways to achieve that naturally without side effects as medications do.

To diagnose high blood pressure is easy, normal blood pressure at rest is within the range of 100-140mmHg systolic (top reading) and 60-90mmHg diastolic (bottom reading). If someone persistent has top number( systolic pressure) 140 or above or the bottom number(a diastolic pressure) of 90 or above, he/she can be diagnosed as having high blood pressure. Doctor normally will give prescriptions to bring those numbers down.

How to reduce high brood pressure without relying on medication? Here’s what you can do:

1. Having healthy lifestyle, and it plays an important role in treating your high blood pressure. Which include–

A . Exercise regularly. At least 30 to 60 minutes most days of the week can lower your blood pressure by 4 to 9 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). And it doesn’t take long to see a difference.

B. Having sufficient sleep. Yes insufficient sleep cause many health problems include high blood pressure.

C. Eat a healthy diet. Based on Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet plan you should eat a diet that is rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products and skimps on saturated fat and cholesterol. By having a healthy diet can lower your blood pressure by up to 12 mm Hg.

D. Don’t drink too much and don’t smoke. Having small amounts of alcohol can potentially lower your blood pressure but if you drink too much it can raise your blood pressure.

E. Reduce your stress and be happy. Stress is a common cause for high blood pressure and many other health issues. Read my other posts regarding how to be happier and less stress.

2. As Acupuncturist, I would like to introduce Acupressure certain acupuncture points to reduce your blood pressure and it’s very effective.

a. 百会穴 Bai Hui (GV20)



Main point for headache, dizziness, eye pain and redness, irritability, hypertension from excess yang in the upper body, often occuring with patterns of excess Liver yang or Liver fire. Combine with lower body points such as LV 2, LV 3, KD 1, GB 34, GB 41.
Main point for internal wind which has some overlapping indications with the above entry, for headaches, dizziness, visual dizziness, tinnitus, vertex pain, windstroke, seizures.
Main point for prolapse, anal, uterine, vaginal; main point for hemorrhoids.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the association area (related to emotions, memory, behavior), useful for low energy, yang energy imbalances, parkinson’s, alzheimer’s, motor control issues.

b. 风池穴 Feng Chi (GB20)

feng chi

feng chi

Dispel Exterior or Interior Wind – (exterior) – fever/chills, stiff neck; (internal) – paralysis, twitching, tremors, numbness, dizziness, vertigo.
# All issues of the head, brain (seizures, memory, mental/neurological disorders), face, throat and sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue).
# Headache, especially occipital.
# Eye issues.
# Issues of the neck, shoulders a/or upper back – pain, weakness, stiffness.
# Hypertension, especially with LV Yang Rising.
# Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used most often in conjunction with the huatuo points of C1 and C2 to open the spinal cord, generally used to relieve neck tension.

c. 太冲穴 Tai Chong( LR3)

Tai Chong

Tai Chong

Generally, resolves stagnation and tonifies Yin – balancing for all LV pathologies.
# LV Qi Stagnation / LV Yang Rising – headaches, dizziness, canker sores.         # Eye issues – blurred vision, red, swollen, painful eyes.           # Menstrual issues from Deficient Blood, Yin, Qi a/or LV Qi Stagnation – dysmennorrhea, amenorrhea, PMS, breast tenderness.       # Genital issues – pain/swelling, hernia, impotence, semianl emission.
# Stagnation in the middle warmer – subcostal tension, chest/flank pain, swellings in the axillary region.                               # Digestive issues from LV attacking ST/SP – nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea w/ undigested food.                           # Calming point – anger, irritability, insomnia, anxiety.             # With LI 4, four gates treatment – powerfully effects the flow of Qi and Blood in the body.                                               # Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Important point to descend energy in the body, generally used after qi gong exercises, energy healing sessions, etc. Helps to avoid qi gong sickness (or running fire) where energy is stuck in the upper part of the head/body and causes issues such as shortness of breath, psychological issues, headache, etc.

d. 涌泉穴 Yong Quan(KI1)

Yong Quan

Yong Quan

Actions & Effects:
# Descends excess from above, useful for LV Yang Rising or LV Fire – headaches, tinnitus, hypertension, epilepsy.
# Cooling KD empty heat – chronic sore throat, dry mouth, low back pain.
# Tonify KD/HT Yin – insomnia, palpitations, anxiety, poor memory, mania, rage w/desire to kill, hot flashes, night sweats.
# Loss of consciousness, yang collapse.
# Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to descend the energy in the body particularly after qi gong exercises, energy healing sessions, etc. Useful for headache, nausea, insomnia, etc.

e. 曲池穴 Quchi(LI11)

qu chi

qu chi

Actions & Effects:
· Reduction of high fevers, patients with the 4 bigs, combine with LI 1, LI 2 or LI 4.
· Damp Heat skin diseases, red, itchy, oozing & inflamed (hives, herpes zoster, acne), may be used with UB 40 for any skin disease.
· ST Excess Issues, burning diarrhea.
· Elbow and upper limb disorders, pain and inflammation, atrophy, tremors – expels wind dampness from the channel.
· Hot flashes a/or menstrual issues with heat in the Blood.
· Expels summer heat with UB 40 & SP 10, for heat stroke add SI 3.
· Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Useful for any blood circulation issue (raynaud’s, anemia, etc.), skin problems (hives, itchiness), tennis elbow.

In order to get excellent results from pressing those acupuncture points, you should know which are the main factors to cause your high blood pressure and choose the best combination of these and other points. To diagnose the cause is out of the scope of this article and it’s our professional practice to do so, but believe me, for you as patients those points will do good jobs for you.

3. Reflexology to reduce high blood pressure.



Reflexology is simple to do and without any side effects and many benefits not only in controlling blood pressure, but to an overall body system. By massaging reflex areas of Heart, Liver, Kidney, and Lungs. If you find any pain, numbness in this area, then special attention should give to that area. Because a different sensation indicates, there is some simple problem with that organ. If that particular point shows any positive change after the massage, then increases the frequency of massage to that location. Otherwise, discard that reflex point from your massage. Please note some conditions not recommend to use this method, like people with recent or healing fractures, unhealed wounds, or active gout affecting the foot should avoid reflexology and also not used for pregnant women..

Hope you can reduce high blood pressure naturally before taking herbals or any medications.


22 Steps Will Help Boost Your Happiness

happyHAPPINESS plays a very important role in ones health. As a matter of fact, a big portion of our illness come from unhealthy emotions,like depression, stress, angry, fear etc. As a health practitioner, I find out it’s much easier to treat pure physical problems than those illness caused by emotions,because the latter you need your patients willing and be able to change their bad emotions to get good results. Give you an example,a patient had migraines which Doctors not sure what’s the cause,had different treatments which were not successful until one day her migraines disappeared and she found out the cause herself–she used to live with her mother in law and they never getting along with each other well, after she and her husband moved out,her migraines disappeared right away. So you get my point, be happy and you already your own best doctor. Here’s an article I read which explores 22 steps to help boost your happiness. I like it and share with you here.


These 22 steps will help boost your happiness.
Research suggests that happiness can be cultivated by focusing on relationships, constant learning, and feeling grateful and optimistic, among other strategies. These 22 steps can help you foster a sense of happiness in your own life:


Cultivate these twelve behaviors, which Sonja Lyubomirsky, author of the How of Happiness, has identified as practices that help people lead happier lives: Express gratitude; cultivate optimism; avoid overthinking and social comparison; practice acts of kindness; nurture social relationships; develop strategies for coping; learn to forgive; increase flow experiences, or intense focus on the present moment; savor life’s joys; commit to your goals; practice religion and spirituality; and take care of your body. Review your values. Intrinsic values include self-improvement, helping others, and making the world a better place. Extrinsic values include wealth and material accomplishments, physical appearance, and the appearance and reality of social influence. People say that intrinsic values make them happier, but most actually adopt extrinsic values in their lives. Invest in your relationships. Spouses, lovers, friends, and family are the keys to what gives our life meaning and happiness. Assess whether you’re lonely. More and more people live alone, while others can be lonely in an unhappy household. Whether you are living alone or with others, are you lonely and isolated, or is your living arrangement bringing you all the benefits you’d hoped? If your home life is not what you’d wish, evaluate how and when you might be able to change it. Having a strong social network is good for our health and happiness. Consider the role work plays in your identity. Whether you’re a “work to live” or “live to work” type, there’s no question that working can be central to your identity and sense of value. It’s important to have a realistic sense of what work means to you and to have the self-awareness and confidence to judge whether your work life is satisfactory or needs to be changed. Evaluate how well you cope with adversity, which is a reliable indicator of happiness. Make a list of the major problems you’ve faced in the past year. How did you deal with them, and what have you learned about yourself as a result? If you’re stuck, it might be time to seek professional help. Engage in life. Learning new things and being engaged in a variety of meaningful activities are essential to happiness at all stages of life. Are you fully engaged with life or are there areas where you’ve checked out”? Has your level of engagement changed substantially in recent years? If something is “missing,” what do you plan to do about it?

HAPPINESS | Annual To-Do List

20s and 30s

Review the number, quality, and status of your important friendships. Whether it’s with family members, work colleagues, social acquaintances, or college friends, having roughly half a dozen strong friendships (there is no magic number) will pay big dividends for the rest of your life. If you live alone (and even if you don’t), think about the way you are living and whether you’re lonely—lots of empty evenings by yourself, no one to share special or even ordinary events with, and the like. If you don’t like the quality of your life, make changes by reaching out to groups or social networks.
While careers can be intense and all-consuming passions in your earlier working years, it’s not too early to begin thinking about work-family balance. Work rarely tops family in people’s rankings of life’s most important achievements. If parents want good relationships with their kids later in life, the foundations of those relationships are built now. Review the values you are passing onto your children. Engage them at a young age in volunteer activities that help other people, and you will be increasing their lifelong odds of being happier. Evaluating the value and health of your marriage or other romantic relationship probably requires at least a daily checkup! It’s important not to take things for granted. No relationship brings more happiness or, potentially, sadness, than the one with your closest partner.

40s and 50s

Children-centric relationships change and o”fen fade when the kids are grown. It’s important to work at replacing these parts of your social network. Take stock of your relationship with your grown children and your parents. You are, increasingly, the key decision-maker for both of these generations. What kind of a job are you doing? Are you stuck in one or more ruts in middle-age? Review the activities and  ow of your life and, as needed, build a plan to  nd new activities, experiences, and friends. Replacing the time and emotional pull of raising children is a huge task for many people. Review how you’re spending your time.  is is a good time to build and expand community and volunteer activities. Think about whether you have a great career or just a job. Either path can lead to happiness, but only if you accept a role for your working life that meshes with your aspirations and values. Understanding yourself and how work fits in with your life is increasingly important at this age.

60s and Up

Review how well you’ve matched your long-term aspirations with your  nancial resources. You don’t need buckets of money to be happy. But you need some money. More importantly, happiness requires a balance of what you want to do and what you can do. How is your lifestyle balance faring?
Consider expanding your volunteer activities. It’s a great way to match your interests and values with new things to do and interesting people.
Make a spring-cleaning plan. As we get older, households tend to get cluttered with possessions we no longer need and which, if we admit it, no one in our family needs, either. Regular downsizing is a good practice.
Is your spiritual gas tank full or running on fumes? It is natural and healthy in later years to begin thinking about issues that transcend daily living.
Use it or lose it! Build a fitness plan or, if you’ve got one, review how you’re doing. Even into old age, vigorous exercise can help your physical and mental health.

Sleep problems? Try natural sleep remedies before you seek doctor for insomnia cures

natural sleep remedies

natural sleep remedies

Insomnia is one of the very common problems patients seeking Acupuncture for help, and Acupuncture do have very good results for insomnia, but as usual I always recommend them to try natural sleep remedies first before they come to Doctors for insomnia cures. To use drugs only as a last resort, as many can figure out all those side effects by themselves.

The most used and effective natural sleep remedies are:

  • Good sleep rules

Set bedtime routines, not thinking and make it as a habit. Some people like to think things or even discuss issues before sleep, that contribute an active mind state and get them hard to go to sleep. Same reason why don’t watch thrilling movies before bed.

  • Get Massage or sex

Have someone give you a massage just before going to sleep can make a big difference. If they can do a full body massage gently yet firm, you will feel the tension out of your muscles gone and soothe you to sleep soundly. Even a quick backrub and facial massage can be a big help. Same apply to sex. Good sex works wonder and can help both sleep easily and sleep well.

  • Listen to relaxing Music

Play some soft, soothing music can make one feel relaxed and get ready  to sleep. It’s very easy to find this kind of music. You can try this

  • Soak your feet

To soak your feet with warm/hot water for 10-15 minutes. If you combined with feet/ toes rubbing the results will get even better.

  • Combination of the above

There are other ways like due to noisy put earplugs, keep quiet, counting numbers, don’t eat too full or hungry before bed… they are all common sense knowledge which can help you have a good night sleep.

But if you have a serious insomnia and those natural sleep remedies can’t help you enough, then go to see Doctors.

Good luck and have a good night sleep!

natural sleep remedies

Improve Vision Without Glasses

If you happen to wear glasses and want to

Vision without glasses

improve vision without glasses,here’s some ideas:

Improving vision without glasses by DOING:

1.      Rest your eyes periodically
2.      Doing eye exercises
3.      Press Acupoints for eyes and doing facial massage
4.      Regular exercises at least 20 minutes a day.
5.      Treated for physical disorders that effect your vision.

Improving vision without glasses by NOT DOING

1.      Staying in front of your computer for a very long time.
2.      Living a stressful life.
3.      Eating an unhealthy diet.
4.      Subject your eyes to the Sun.

Why improve vision without glasses?

As a book lover and web surfer, I wear glasses. As some of you read my previous post may already know, my philosophy of health and treatment is base on natural, and our body’s healing power. To use glasses to correct our vision just another good example that our modern people don’t really seeking the resolution for the source problem, we just want quick fix. Do you know that

How glasses and contacts are practically guaranteed to ruin your vision over time?

The reason for this stems from the fact that glasses and contact lenses cause your eyes to shift differently and focus with another angle instead of their usual configuration. Although this is helpful in allowing you to see clearly, it also allows your ocular muscles to get lazy and get used to the new configuration. As a result, your eyes will not be able to return to their original healthy configuration. Thus, the great majority of people who use glasses or contact lenses will have their eye prescriptions changed every couple of years and their vision will most likely never improve.

Recently I found the work of Dr. W.H. Bates, a prominent eye physician, revealed a natural way of improving vision without glasses, which has been getting a ton of positive reviews. After got my copy, I’m willing to add my recommendation to his wonderful work

How to improve vision without glasses – By Dr. Bates

Truthfully it doesn’t surprise me that the method is working. Because it’s natural, not eye aid oriented. And it’s the kind of method not difficult to implement.

Eye vision is our most essential abilities and most precious asset, let’s take a good care of it.

Recommend to read— how to improve vision without glasses

Acupuncture for Kids

Do you ever heard about Acupuncture for kids? I recommend you to watch the following video which was posted on the ABC News site and was a feature that appeared on Good Morning America on April 5, 2009.

As parents you know how hard when your kids are not feeling well. Especially for younger kids you don’t want to give them so many medication to mess up their body, in the meantime it’s hard to give them Acupuncture treatment due to their fear of needle or they move a lot. In my practice, I use non-needle techniques such as finger or stick to stimulate the acupuncture points, together with Tuina massage and it works very well. Although younger kids can start Acupuncture treatment as young as 3 years old, due to their active movement, I try to use the above techniques instead and the results are almost as good as using needles. Why? Because they have a much pure energy than adults although they are weak physically.

video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player

Medication or Meditation?

Those two words look so similar, but they are totally two different approaches regard our health. No doubt medication is the dominant practice to “fix” our body problems nowadays, in the meantime meditation has become more popular- A 2007 study by the U.S. government found that nearly 9.4% of U.S. adults (over 20 million) had practiced meditation within the past 12 months, up from 7.6% (more than 15 million people) in 2002  Meditation practiced for many reasons, such as to increase calmness and physical relaxation, to improve psychological balance, to cope with illness, or to enhance overall health and well-being.

If we say medication is outward oriented because we seek help from those pharmaceutical, then Meditation is generally an inwardly oriented, personal practice, which individuals do by themselves. Definition for meditation from Wikipedia is that any form of a family of practices in which practitioners train their minds or self-induce a mode of consciousness to realize some benefit.  A review of scientific studies identified relaxation, concentration, an altered state of awareness, a suspension of logical thought and the maintenance of a self-observing attitude as the behavioral components of meditation, it is accompanied by a host of biochemical and physical changes in the body that alter metabolism, heart rate, respiration, blood pressure and brain activation. Meditation has been used in clinical settings as a method of stress and pain reduction. Meditation has also been studied specifically for its effects on stress.

In Chinese medicine we greatly emphasize the status of our heart and mind. In the book <黄帝内经> which is an ancient Chinese medical text that has been treated as the fundamental doctrinal source for Chinese medicine for more than two millennia, it pointed out that “恬淡虚无,真气从之,精神内守,病安从来?” means if you have a peaceful calm mind, your Qi follows and energy kept inside well, you won’t catch illness. In contrary, people who worry, tension, stress, panic, anger, unhappy will have all kinds of health issues. Meditation is a very good practice to achieve inner peaceful. I recommend everyone should have at lease 10 minutes meditation a day to gain benefit from it. Let me give you an example, when you use your computer, you open this window, open that application, and open another one, all at a sudden, you computer freeze, what do you do to fix the problem? Simple, re-start your PC! Our mind is like a running rabbit, you are keep thinking so many different issues like computer running so many different applications, one day when you feel something wrong with your body, it’s not hardware problems which equivalent to your physical body. It’s the software problem which is your mind. To restart to have a clear mindset, you can achieve that by Meditation, vacation, Chinese Qigong, Tai ji, golfing, Yoga, pray and much more.

As a Acupuncturist, I know so well that human’s mind play a big role in our health, and it is the source cause for many of our illness. So please well maintain our mentality, be happy!


Don’t take medicine so easily

I don’t oppose taking medication, but oppose taking it so easily and frequently.

Our body is smart and so amazing that it naturally solves most of our problems. Allowing our body to do the magic without the disturbance of medicine pills, you are let your immune system to practice and build a stronger internal pharmacy. Don’t get drug every time you catch a cold or get a cough. How about drinking more water and sleep more and let it recover by itself? When you take medicine, yes they can cover up your symptoms but do you aware of their side effects?

The reason I prefer giving Acupuncture treatment to my patients is because it works naturally by just stimulating our Acupoints and the rest of job our body will do it for us.

To keep healthy, what we need to do is to properly use and maintain our body. Just like every car has a user manual, you follow those user manual properly, you will enjoy a longer and less trouble driving vehicle. Same apply to our body is that you follow our body user guide properly, you will enjoy a healthy life longer. The user manual for our body is to eat properly, sleep properly, exercise properly and be happy. Unlike a car can easily change any parts, unfortunately, we as human beings are customized. You need to use and operate your body properly to stay healthy.

You are your best Doctor

Some people don’t believe what I told them here. They are just thinking they are NOT doctor, they know nothing about medicine. They need doctor to help them. The reality is that their doctor don’t cure their illness, medicine don’t cure their illness, the real power to cure their illness is their own body.

Except hereditary disease, most of our illness comes from our lifestyle. Like how we diet, sleep, exercise and our mood. For all of that Doctors really can’t do anything for you except giving some advice. If you don’t want any of these bad root cause accumulate to a point that Doctor’s scalpel take control of your body, you have to be taking control of your own health earlier -By eating well, sleep/rest well, having daily exercise and in good mood. You have to be responsible for yourself.

Like all other important aspects in life, we need to be responsible for our financial, health, relationship. If you depend on government / accountant/ tax expert to look after your financial, depend on Doctor to take care of your health, someone work your relationship out… Good Luck!

Remember, you get what you give.